Common Names:- Corn melilot
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Melilotus (Gr) Honey-clover. A name used by the Greek academic
Theophrastus and refers to melilot's attractiveness to honeybees.
Segetalis (L) Of cornfields, growing amongst crops. This epithet is
somewhat misleading; at least in Greece this is mainly a species of damp coastal
General description:- Ascending to erect, glabrous annual.
1) 20-50 cm tall.
1) Leaflets of the lower leaves broadly obovate, those of upper, narrower, all finely
but sharply serrate in the upper half.
2) Stipules, lanceolate with broad, somewhat dentate at the base.
1) Peduncles, c. twice as long as the petiole of the subtending leaf.
2) Racemes, 2-3 cm, slender, 15-30-flowered, moderately elongating in fruit.
3) Corolla, 4-6 mm, yellow.
1) Legume, 3-4 mm, shortly stipitate, obovoid, obtuse, somewhat compressed, with
conspicuous, dense, concentric raised veins, pale brown when ripe.
Key features:-
1) Corolla, 4-6 mm.
2) Legume, stipitate.
3) Leaflets, all finely but sharply serrate in the upper half.
Habitat:- Saline swamps, damp meadows, fallow fields and ruderal habitats. 0-400
Distribution:- Coastal habitats of W. Greece. - Mediterranean region, mainly in the
W & C parts The Cretan record dates back to Heldreich and needs confirmation..
Flowering time:- Apr-May.
Photos by:- Kind permission of Saxifraga - Free Nature Images